Personal Auto Insurance & Homeowner’s Insurance
Personal Insurance
Personal Auto Insurance
You are hit by a driver who is clearly at-fault, and you sustain $5,000 in medical costs. The other driver admits blame, and has car insurance with a reputable company. Will his policy pay your bills?
You are hit by a driver who is clearly at-fault, and your vehicle sustains $2,500 in damages. The other driver has no car insurance. However, you have “uninsured motorist” coverage on your policy. Will this coverage pay to fix your car?

Homeowner’s Insurance
Lightning damages a computer in your home, and it is going to cost $2000 to replace. The computer is used predominantly for business purposes, and was bought using a business name. Will your policy cover this loss?
You host a party at the clubhouse of your subdivision. Some “friend of a friend” is injured and blames you for his injuries. Will the liability section of your policy protect you when the injury did not occur at your house?
Call us for the answers to these basic claim examples before they occur, and learn how to avoid the stress and panic that usually accompany the most frequent claim situations.
We also offer flood, boat, umbrella, life and health insurance products.